Head Start Full Inclusion Programs
Head Start in collaboration with Tehama County Department of
Special Education Services offers a rich environment where children learn from
their interactions with other children and from their surroundings and where they
benefit from caring relationships with caring and compassionate staff. All children, including children with
disabilities or other special needs, deserve access to quality preschool
programs. Head Start Inclusion programs
provide that quality. Our inclusion
programs provide full and active participation of children with disabilities or
other special needs in community activities, services, and programs designed
for typically developing children. If
support, accommodations or modifications are needed to ensure the child’s full,
active participation, they are provided appropriately. This participation
results in and authentic sense of belonging for the child as well as the
family. Our full inclusion program
contributes to the emotional, social, and intellectual development of all
children and is an integral part of achieving school readiness.
Our full inclusion classrooms provide children with disabilities or special needs with the same opportunities that typically developing children have. Children who are typically developing benefit from interactions with children who have disabilities or other special needs, as well. Our full inclusion programs provide a high quality NAEYC accredited supportive environment that will teach all children about differences and about respecting and valuing other people regardless of ability. Children want to help one another as they grow. Our early childhood teachers have a strong knowledge of child development and inclusive strategies to teach all young children whatever their talents, interests, and abilities.
Our full inclusion classrooms provide children with disabilities or special needs with the same opportunities that typically developing children have. Children who are typically developing benefit from interactions with children who have disabilities or other special needs, as well. Our full inclusion programs provide a high quality NAEYC accredited supportive environment that will teach all children about differences and about respecting and valuing other people regardless of ability. Children want to help one another as they grow. Our early childhood teachers have a strong knowledge of child development and inclusive strategies to teach all young children whatever their talents, interests, and abilities.